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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Coworking spaces are popular among freelancers and startup businesses. The Hot Coworking business Joomla template is intended for websites for businesses that provide coworking space.

There are two versions of the home page. The first variation has a responsive carousel with slides including images, text, and call to action buttons. The second form includes a large container with a video background and text that includes call to action buttons.

A typical company template is the Coworking template. It has a lengthy home page with numerous components that you can enable or disable based on your needs. Some of these components can be found in Joomla modules. Joomla articles make up a large portion of the home page and all inside pages.

The three boxes situated beneath the main carousel (or video background) assist visitors in learning the most crucial aspects of your company. The following part outlines why potential clients should choose your coworking space. The following parts are for persons who already work in a coworking space. Another (simpler) carousel displays photographs of people working in shared offices. There is also a chosen testimonial that should persuade customers to choose your coworking space. Another area with a call to action button makes advantage of white bold lettering on a dark parallax background.

This template includes many inside pages for the building of a successful website in addition to the home page versions. Visitors can meet potential coworkers on one of the sites.Another page contains a nice design of the pricing table with the lists of the offered services. There's also a FAQ page, Gallery page, Testimonials page, etc.

The Hot Coworking template's content is entirely derived from Joomla articles or modules. As a result, you may use the Sparky Page Builder to visually update everything (Joomla articles, custom modules, and so on) (included with template). The material can be edited from either the backend or the frontend. Because our page builder is already compatible with Joomla 4, your website will be compatible with future major versions of Joomla.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Coworking spaces are popular among freelancers and startup businesses. The Hot Coworking business Joomla template is intended for websites for businesses that provide coworking space.

There are two versions of the home page. The first variation has a responsive carousel with slides including images, text, and call to action buttons. The second form includes a large container with a video background and text that includes call to action buttons.

A typical company template is the Coworking template. It has a lengthy home page with numerous components that you can enable or disable based on your needs. Some of these components can be found in Joomla modules. Joomla articles make up a large portion of the home page and all inside pages.

The three boxes situated beneath the main carousel (or video background) assist visitors in learning the most crucial aspects of your company. The following part outlines why potential clients should choose your coworking space. The following parts are for persons who already work in a coworking space. Another (simpler) carousel displays photographs of people working in shared offices. There is also a chosen testimonial that should persuade customers to choose your coworking space. Another area with a call to action button makes advantage of white bold lettering on a dark parallax background.

This template includes many inside pages for the building of a successful website in addition to the home page versions. Visitors can meet potential coworkers on one of the sites.Another page contains a nice design of the pricing table with the lists of the offered services. There's also a FAQ page, Gallery page, Testimonials page, etc.

The Hot Coworking template's content is entirely derived from Joomla articles or modules. As a result, you may use the Sparky Page Builder to visually update everything (Joomla articles, custom modules, and so on) (included with template). The material can be edited from either the backend or the frontend. Because our page builder is already compatible with Joomla 4, your website will be compatible with future major versions of Joomla.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
17 August 2021
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Business & Corporate

Template Description

Coworking spaces are popular among freelancers and startup businesses. The Hot Coworking business Joomla template is intended for websites for businesses that provide coworking space.

There are two versions of the home page. The first variation has a responsive carousel with slides including images, text, and call to action buttons. The second form includes a large container with a video background and text that includes call to action buttons.

A typical company template is the Coworking template. It has a lengthy home page with numerous components that you can enable or disable based on your needs. Some of these components can be found in Joomla modules. Joomla articles make up a large portion of the home page and all inside pages.

The three boxes situated beneath the main carousel (or video background) assist visitors in learning the most crucial aspects of your company. The following part outlines why potential clients should choose your coworking space. The following parts are for persons who already work in a coworking space. Another (simpler) carousel displays photographs of people working in shared offices. There is also a chosen testimonial that should persuade customers to choose your coworking space. Another area with a call to action button makes advantage of white bold lettering on a dark parallax background.

This template includes many inside pages for the building of a successful website in addition to the home page versions. Visitors can meet potential coworkers on one of the sites.Another page contains a nice design of the pricing table with the lists of the offered services. There's also a FAQ page, Gallery page, Testimonials page, etc.

The Hot Coworking template's content is entirely derived from Joomla articles or modules. As a result, you may use the Sparky Page Builder to visually update everything (Joomla articles, custom modules, and so on) (included with template). The material can be edited from either the backend or the frontend. Because our page builder is already compatible with Joomla 4, your website will be compatible with future major versions of Joomla.

Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • 5 pre-defined color styles included
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

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