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Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
27 August 2022
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Travel & Tourism

Template Description

The holiday season is almost here. Perhaps now is the time to investigate the websites of travel providers. This is where people come to choose the ideal location for their next summer getaway. We created another Hot template for tourist websites to assist travel businesses in creating a clean and usable responsive website for their business.

The Hot Full Carousel responsive slideshow module, which was just published, has found a home in the Hot Explorer template. Not everywhere, but right in the center of the home page, which features the greatest photographs from the travel agency collection. This large region has also been occupied by logo and top menu module placements. A long, thin banner appears on the inner pages. There are 5 different banner styles for each of the 5 color options.

Another tool that we decided to include with this template is the (as expected) Google Maps module and Joomla plugin - Hot Maps. When creating a travel agency website, this tool can be really useful because it allows you to include an interactive map or satellite photos of any location in the world that you are discussing on the page.

This template is powered by the most recent Sparky Framework version, which means it comes with an unrivaled range of tools for customizing your site, from simple color pickers to the drag and drop layout editor, which can be used for user-friendly layout alterations without scripting.


Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
27 August 2022
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Travel & Tourism

Template Description

The holiday season is almost here. Perhaps now is the time to investigate the websites of travel providers. This is where people come to choose the ideal location for their next summer getaway. We created another Hot template for tourist websites to assist travel businesses in creating a clean and usable responsive website for their business.

The Hot Full Carousel responsive slideshow module, which was just published, has found a home in the Hot Explorer template. Not everywhere, but right in the center of the home page, which features the greatest photographs from the travel agency collection. This large region has also been occupied by logo and top menu module placements. A long, thin banner appears on the inner pages. There are 5 different banner styles for each of the 5 color options.

Another tool that we decided to include with this template is the (as expected) Google Maps module and Joomla plugin - Hot Maps. When creating a travel agency website, this tool can be really useful because it allows you to include an interactive map or satellite photos of any location in the world that you are discussing on the page.

This template is powered by the most recent Sparky Framework version, which means it comes with an unrivaled range of tools for customizing your site, from simple color pickers to the drag and drop layout editor, which can be used for user-friendly layout alterations without scripting.


Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

Template Informations

Joomla 4, Joomla 5
27 August 2022
27 August 2022
Single purchase, Club membership
Travel & Tourism

Template Description

The holiday season is almost here. Perhaps now is the time to investigate the websites of travel providers. This is where people come to choose the ideal location for their next summer getaway. We created another Hot template for tourist websites to assist travel businesses in creating a clean and usable responsive website for their business.

The Hot Full Carousel responsive slideshow module, which was just published, has found a home in the Hot Explorer template. Not everywhere, but right in the center of the home page, which features the greatest photographs from the travel agency collection. This large region has also been occupied by logo and top menu module placements. A long, thin banner appears on the inner pages. There are 5 different banner styles for each of the 5 color options.

Another tool that we decided to include with this template is the (as expected) Google Maps module and Joomla plugin - Hot Maps. When creating a travel agency website, this tool can be really useful because it allows you to include an interactive map or satellite photos of any location in the world that you are discussing on the page.

This template is powered by the most recent Sparky Framework version, which means it comes with an unrivaled range of tools for customizing your site, from simple color pickers to the drag and drop layout editor, which can be used for user-friendly layout alterations without scripting.


Template Features

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Built on Sparky Framework
  • Clean and Professional Design
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test PASSED
  • Support for RTL (right-to-left) languages
  • Unlimited module positions
  • Optimized for better User Experience
  • Detailed documentation
  • and much more…

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